Char Name: Ghendar
Player Name: Marcus
Age: 19
From: Sweden
Guilds you were in: havent realy played much in lvl 80.
Why you left:
What classes you have played: Mage , DK. shaman, warrior
Show your knowledge of your class, by saying why you were attracted to and why: Well i started to play on my mage about 3 months before BC. Sence then i never stoped playing on it for more then a month.
Class: Mage
Specs: Got my arcane for pve 57/3/11 and frost for my pvp
Raid history: in 60 i just played easy mode instances but when BC came i got in to it. I played with a Guild called Showtime where we cleared Bt but there it stopped. Now inn 80 i played naxx, VOA (ofc)
, a bit of Ulduar. and Icc 10 man 4/12 know tactic on 7 of them. But im a fast learner.
Gear Plan: I sure could use a MH and a new trinket. But i dont play for gear. I play to have fun and progress in instances.
Days you can raid: From Monday - thursday and sunday
Hours you can raid: 18.30 - 24.00