Char Name: holymagic
Player Name: cameron carvey
Guilds you were in: currently in for the wipes and had own guild before that and was in azuremyst aliance side previuse to that
Why you left:not getting to raid icc regualy
What classes you have played: all but only paladin to lvl 80
Show your knowledge of your class, by saying why you were attracted to and why :at first all i wanted to do was kill things hence the ret but then my sis let me heal icc with her druid and i thought this was fun so got my offspec as holy and enjoyed it ever since
Specs: (m) retribution and holy but can change
Raid history:
i have completed voa 10/25
onixia's lair 10/25
5/13 ulduar 10
3/13 ulduar 25
eoe 10 man
9/14 naxx 10
1/14 naxx 25
6/12 icc 10
4/12 icc 25
3/5 toc 10
1/5 togc 10
4/5 toc 25
0/5 togc 25 (never been on 25man
and most classic/bc raids
Gear Plan: i plan to gear my heal spec so i can change that to my main spec
Say what you're next upgrade was + will be and what you intend to gem/enchant it for: next i'm going to b getting a new wepon for my current main spec and ill put berserking enchant and more bold cardinal ruby (+20 strength) also i would like some t10 legs to replace my 245 legs from toc 25
Days you can raid :i can raid just about every day
Hours you can raid: from 6 on in week and anytime at weekend
and sorry about first aplication was late and i couldent think straight