Hey guys :-)
Char Name: Pimn
Player Name: Craig
Age: 20
From: England
Guilds you were in: I'm pretty new to the server as i've only been here a couple of weeks. I moved here as my bro is on this server and at the moment i'm just a social member of the guild affliction (where he plays)
Why you left: I'm missing my raiding so i'm looking for a guild now as i'm only attending alt runs at the moment.
What classes you have played: *takes deep breath* Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Warrior, Mage, Priest, Dk, Rogue...so not that many really
All of these have been played at an end game level at one time or another as i've been playing since the very beginning of WoW.
Show your knowledge of your class, by saying why you were attracted to and why: I was attracted to Druid simply because of it's versatility. The class has the ability to fill all roles (and do so pretty well). I got stuck on Moonkin as i've always preferred to DPS and it's a fun class to play. It's pretty easy to step into and do average but it takes alot more to get the very best from the spec.
Class: Druid (but i'm sure you've guessed that by now)
Specs: Moonkin (m) / Resto
Raid history:
As i said above i've been raiding since the beginning really. I used to take it alot more serious and have FULLY cleared all level 60 and 70 content.
At the start of WoTLK i was still raiding hardcore on my Pala on Shattered Hand and chasing server firsts (we got Sarth 10man 3D 1st and came ever so close to Naxx 10 and 25 server 1st)
As Naxx was drawing to a close and Ulduar was about to kick in my raiding took a back seat as i took a new position on at work and just didn't have time to raid anymore. Since then i've just played socially with my bro's guilds going along to alt runs just to see the new content. Over the last few months things have finally got back to normal so i have alot more time on my hands and really want to start raiding again.
I've cleared all ToC and Heroic 10 ToGC.
In ICC i've currently cleared upto and inc Dreamwalker.
Gear Plan:
My gear is pretty much as far as i can take it without raiding. I have 2 items from ICC and a couple of Frost Emblem items and the rest is Heroic/Badge items. Obviously it's all fully enchanted/gemmed as i wouldn't dream of running without it.
Days you can raid: I'm pretty flexible really and can move my plans to suit raids upto 3/4 times a week. As you currently have it i can come along to all 3 raids.
Hours you can raid: I generally get home from work at around 19.00 and will usually be on until 2-3am.
Just a quick one to say thanks for taking the time to read my app and i hope to hear from you soon! :-)
<3 Pimn