* You have End-game raid experience: Downed every thing in tbc up to Kil´jaden(50%),
in vanilla i didn´t have the chanse to raid that much cus i started late and only got to do some zg Aq20 and some in MC but i´ve seen all old raid later on in tbc...
* You have the best possible L80 gear. i´ve got decent resto gear and with cataclys around the corner it doesnt seem to be that important
* You can and want to raid almost every day between 19-23? i´ll leave this oppen for now on cus im getting new working times soon
and probly it´s gona be better then it is atm (working evenings)
* You don't have a problem with farming for repairs/consumables.not at all im Elixir master and im always running around with 50+ flasks and speed/mana potion
* You have access to Ventrilo and a microphone.Yes to both.
* You are Level 80 and know your class from top to toe. Yeah i would say i do know my class top to toe
* You should have a good attitude against your guildmembers and act as a model player for everyone. Atmosphere above all. I generally get along with most people, but I know how to behave myself around the ones I don't as well.
Truth be told I enjoy an argument from time to time. Game stuff, not random abuse
But I like to believe I also know when the time, situation, channel or subject just isn't right.
* For all raids we expect you to come with plenty of pots you will need and not be afraid to use them if asked to.Pretty much goes with the farming part. I take great pride and pleasure in always being prepared, and expect my fellow raiders to do the same.
* You should be the original owner of your account.Yes
The character:is curently on Talnivarr
Nick: Heddas
Level: 80
Class: Druid
Talents:Moonkin thats what i got atm but its gona change some as soon as i get some extra hit
Gear: getting the hit trinket from badges and got the staff [Illumination] in bags
Alts: 72 Shaman 70 paladin 62 Warrior
/played: 190 days on "Heddas" and 50 more on alts
Professions Herbalism/ Elixir master
Keybindings: 12345. Shift1.S2.S3.S4.S5.SE.SW.SQ.S§.§. and healing spells bound to mouse