Hi, hereby I would like to apply for Bellum Pax. I was in Icecrown and did a /1 with LF guild and Solskenet responded, we chatted and he thought I might fit in.
Char Name: Yasz
Player Name: Elisa
Age: 21
From: Netherlands
Hi, I'm Elisa, a 21-year old girl from the Netherlands. I like watching the telly, movies, listening to music (all genres) and ofc, games! I've been a warcraft player since warcraft 1, and also diablo I liked a lot.
I've been playing WoW ever since my boyfriend (a vanilla wow player) got me addicted. We're talking about december 2006 here. I played on a char of his, a rogue, and got hooked to rogues ever since.
We played with a lot of his friends, and after a few weeks we switched to the Horde side. My boyfriend and me made a guild on the Burning Steppes server, called Creed and we gained a lot of friends, that we still talk to on MSN. We got to 70 (him a 70 druid tank, me a 70 rogue) and because our guild was fairly new, we only got to Karazhan, but had some great moments there. Because of some personal problems we quit playing for about half a year to 9 months.
We started again about june 2008 on the Executus server, alliance side this time. A collegue joined me on that server, and we made a new guild called the Crazy Eighty Eight. I made a rogue again, which i gave up at lvl 55, and then i made a mage. Then, WOTLK came out by the time I reached 70 with my mage. Everyone was doing the same quests, so i made a resto shaman, and started questing again with my boyfriend as warrior tank. We got to 80 with those. We had a tight firm instancing group and we spent our time in VOA, OS, and Naxx (pug or not pug). We quit for 2 months cause we we're out of work and after two months we started the guild again under the name T A C T. Then I continued my rogue and got to 80 with her too.
We quit again because my mom had some healthproblems and we had to stay at her place all the time.
Recently, in begin december i started WoW again on this server, with a rogue. I went solo till level 60, and got invited by the Ninjas with Attitude guild. At first it was all fun and games, but nowadays there's hardly anyone online, if there's anyone online and i say something, noone responds. So hence Im looking for a new guild, that consists of fun, nice, social and mature people.
Class: Rogue
Specs: Combat swords, but prolly going dual muti at 80 once i get a nice pair of daggers (black knights rondel anyone?
Wow eu armoury link:
Raid history: Kara, Naxx.
Characters I have (worth mentioning):
Amaryl, 80 rogue, Executus-Alliance
Shami, 80 shaman (resto) Executus-Alliance
Jezebel, 71 dk (unholy,tank) Executus-Alliance
Rhiannon, 70 mage, Executus-Alliance
Days you can raid: Wednesdays, Tuesdays
Hours you can raid: 20.00 till 01:00
I'm a casual raider, so don't hold me up to the days. But if I want to raid and I signed up, I'm always there with flasks and foods.
If there's anything more you want to know, don't hesitate to /w me ingame, I'm practically always online.