Char Name: Necradin
Player Name: Kieran
From: UK
Guilds you were in: I was in the same guild as my druid, on the Dragonblight server.
Why you left: Server migrate popped up, so thought id take it.
What classes you have played: Warlock at level 80, Druid at level 80, Paladin at level 80, Warrior at level 80, Rogue to level 50
Show your knowledge of your class, by saying why you were attracted to and why: I love how the warlock is the best parts of a mage and a hunter really. Also, the 3 different specs offer a fun variation of playstyles ranging from dots, focusing on your pet, or nuking.
Class: Warlock
Specs: Demonology (M) and Destruction
Raid history: I have cleared 12/12 ICC10 Normal and 7/12 ICC10 Heroic on my resto druid BĂsto on Dragonblight. And 10/12 ICC10 normal and a few heroics on my Warlock.
Gear Plan:
Say what you're next upgrade was + will be and what you intend to gem/enchant it for: My last upgrade was "Abracadaver HC" from Festergut heroic which i gemmed with 3x 23 SP and enchanted with 81 SP. My next upgrade will hopefully be the "Ring of rapid ascent" from gunship 25, ill gem it with 23 SP.
Days you can raid: Most days, work schedule changes from time to time.
Hours you can raid: around 6 UK time till whenever