Char Name: Dharrock
Player Name: Bram
Age: 17
From: The Netherlands
Guilds you were in: Not noticable, a few casual guilds and a few starting guilds.
Why you left: I wanted to progress on, and they were lacking the experience of raiding.
What classes you have played: At first Warrior, but then this DK.
Show your knowledge of your class, by saying why you were attracted to and why: When WotLK came out, I decided to try this class and I liked it. I like the way of applying diseases, dealing damage based on that diseases etc. It's also a very strong class that deals a lot damage.
Class: Death Knight
Specs: Unholy - Frost DPS (M)
Raid history: I've cleared some bosses in BT in TBC. In WotLK, I've cleared OS 10 and 25 (also OS 10 3D and OS 25 3D); VoA 10 and VoA 25; ToC 10 and ToC 25; ICC 10: 10/12 and ICC 25: 7/12.
Gear Plan: I'm pretty decent geared, my gear plan is to upgrade my gear with some heroic items. I'll gem it Strength (since I'm hit- and expertise capped) and I use only the best enchants for that item (like the shoulders enchant from Sons of Hodir and the head enchant from Knights of the Ebon blade).
Days you can raid: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, maybe even sunday.
Hours you can raid: 19:00 - 23:00. It's no problem if it must be extended till like 23:30.