Char Name: Defmute
Player Name: Matthew
Age: 19
From: London, England.
Guilds you were in: Crystal (Recently transferred from another realm)
Why you left: Was kicked due to inactivity, I had to pay more attention to real life.
What classes you have played: Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Mage, Warlock (Leveling a druid on the side).
Show your knowledge of your class, by saying why you were attracted to and why: Well, ever since I've started WoW, which was back in 2005, I've always wanted a warrior, mainly to tank. However, after leveling in both arms and fury and going through a couple of dungeons I started to enjoy DPSing alot more. So as soon as I hit 80, I began raiding through Naxx as an arms warrior, but soon realising by Ulduar that fury is much better dps spec. So I had to relearn my rotation (WW > BT > Slam (If proc) > rinse repeat and using HS as my filler attack, unless there are multiple mobs so you change to Cleave). I know alot about my class after talking to other players and doing my own research.
Specs: (M): Fury. (O): Prot.
Raid history: In WOTLK: Naxx: Full Clear, Ulduar: Full Clear, ToC: Full Clear, ICC 10/25: All up to LK.
Gear Plan:
Say what you're next upgrade was + will be and what you intend to gem/enchant it for: My latest purchase was the Claok from the Emblems of Frost vendor. My next badge purchase will be the chest from Emblems of Frost vendor for 95 emblems, this will increase my ArP dramatically as it comes with 108 ArP, which i can then gem with 3 +34 ArP gems as I am 450 JC. I need more items with abit more expertise and more ArP, as my ArP is currently stuck on 67.23%, which is enough to do some decent DPS, but if you wanna really smash an enemy in ICC, you gotta have ArP.
Days you can raid: Mainly all days except for saturdays and sometimes fridays
Hours you can raid: From around 7-8 PM till early hours of the morning.