Char Name: Duvy
Player Name: Jonas
Age: 18
From: Denmark
Guilds you were in: None on this server. I was in Aperture on Darkspear, we disbanded a few days ago, came here to join my mates.
Why you left: Stated above.
What classes you have played: Warlock, Paladin, Hunter, Shaman, Priest.
Show your knowledge of your class, by saying why you were attracted to and why: I like the concept on 2hand dualwielding. But I was attracted by Mortal Strike. The reduced healing and big numbers are almost orgasmic.
Class: Warrior.
Specs: Fury (M) / Prot (O)
Raid history: I've done 9/12 on my warlock. Ladik on Darkspear.
Gear Plan:
Say what you're next upgrade was + will be and what you intend to gem/enchant it for: My next upgrade will be iLvl 245 head from Triumphs since I got the hit I need, but I can use more ArP to reach proper numbers. I'm gonna gem ArP and Crit strike/Crit dmg%
Days you can raid: I can raid everyday unless I got night shifts which is rare.
Hours you can raid: from 16-00