Char Name: Gvid
Player Name: Gvidas
Guilds you were in: none actualy
Why you left: -
What classes you have played: Mostly paladin, also some dk, druid.
Show your knowledge of your class, by saying why you were attracted to and why: I was atracted to it becouse i wasnt sure what i want to do when i reach 80s, so desided to take paladin as it fill pretty much roles in raids. Also wanted a good class to play in bg's.
Class: Paladin
Specs: (M)Prot , ret
Raid history:vanila-none. TBC pretty much all main raids, but it was done on a private server, however all the bosses were fully scripted. Started Woltk on retail. done some uldu naxx TOC10/25. Already pugged 6 bosses in ICC.
Gear Plan:
Say what you're next upgrade was + will be and what you intend to gem/enchant it for: Last one was and now got emblems for
Days you can raid:like 3 times a week
Hours you can raid: from 19:00 till around 23:00