Char Name: Priest: Tenox & DK: Nuuskis
Player Name: P. Koskinen
Age: 19
From: Finland
Tell us a little bit about yourself
Started wow back in the days when it was released here in finland (if i remember correctly round '05). Just migrated here when the free migrates were on from stormreaver where i've spent most of my time. I'm an normal 19 year old boy from finland who's just finishing school and looking for job... (read: Slacking and playing wow) Got 5x lvl 80 characters (DK: nuuskis, Priest: Tenox and back in stormreaver Wlock: Sykerö, Hunter: Fiiber, Warrior: Cregor) Done most of the raiding with my warlock Sykerö back in stormreaver, including pre-bc, bc and most of wotlk stuff. Migrated the DK and priest here with some irl friends as i was looking for an different kind of community to play in that stormreaver as it was kinda full of tards and elitists.
Class: Priest & Dk
Specs: Priest= Holy (M) and shadow, Dk Unholy (M) and blood tank os (around 4900gs in tank gear done some toc10/25 as tank.)
Wow eu armoury link: dk:
Raid history: Pre-bc= ZG,Ony,AQ20,MC,BWL. Burning Crusade= Kara,Gruul,Maggy,SSC,TK, Hyjal first bosses and BT wipes.
Wotlk: Naxx10/25, OS10/25 including 3d. Eoe 10/25, Ulduar 10/25 all but algalon, ToC10/25, Togc10/25 first 2 bosses and ICC10/25 first 4 bosses and stupid PuG wipes at festergut+rotface and val. Most of the raiding done with the warlock as i mentioned above.
----Optional link your link aswell -------
Days you can raid: Usually everyday except fridays&saturdays as i usually go out with friends or my gf from time to time.
Hours you can raid: 18.00-24.00 +/- 1hour if needed of course.