people find this interesting.
A talent walkthrough:
Divine Strength, Anticipation, Improved Righteous Fury, Toughnessare pretty explanatory.
is basically a threat talent, its like having lots of multi-shot misdirects thrown onto you by different raid members. However you also take 30% of the damage they receieve till it makes up 40% of your health.
SO eg. for a light effect aoe.
5 raid members take 3k dmg each 15, 000 * 0.30 = 4500 dmg total or 900 dmg each
you have 40k health 16 000 health.
Heavy aoe
5 raid take 6 each,
still 40k health
9k dmg on the pally, still freeing 7k health for more dmg to gain threat.
Would be good on trash packs, to gain aggro and make it easier for healers to heal 1 target and not 6.
Doesnt really seem wothwhile it.
Then you take DIVINE GAURDIAN 2/2.
The button now becomes two spells. You can do what I just wrote above and have those people take dmg redirected at you and aggro to you, and take 20% less dmg from it. Aswell as buffing your Sacred shield to be buffed by 100% absorbing 20% more dmg.
Or you can make it into a PANIC button.
So this now acts as a warriors LAST STAND for a pally, you click this macro listed below once, the buff will be gone 0.5 seconds later and you still have a buff making sacred shield heal you more, and you take less dmg for a few seconds.
Devo arua - you get healed for more, more armour = dmg mitigation.
SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE - shouldnt need more than 1 Point because you will be spam healed often.
GUARDED BY THE LIGHT Spell dmg taken reduced by 6%, nice.
Every tiem you hit, chance to refresh Divine Plea, excellent. NO MANA problems ever, so long as you use plea everytime it is off CD.
This talent combined with Glyph of Dviine Plea means you will take 3% less dmg when its active, this stacks with the talent aswell, so 12% less spell dmg and 3% less physical dmg.
So effectively means 12/3 % less dmg permentaly.
Moving into the ret tree.
come to my attention, that bosses and trash have attack power, as well as armour, dodge, parry.
So any thing to reduce this which will stack with demo shout from a warrior will be great (if it actually does otherwise one thing a warrior doesnt have to waste rage on).
Handicaps bosses and mobs to do less dmg to you.
more critacle hits more threat. Your using white melee dmg for threat now not spell power so every time the weapon hits the boss, more threat.
Just a given 3% more dmg to the boss/ mobs, more threat in general.
MACROSWhile I was bored I thougth of this macro, but there are 2 requriements for this to work:
1) Glyph of Salvation - target takes 20% less dmg
2) You are second on threat
/cast Hand of Salvation
/cast [target=targettarget] Hand of Reckoning
What this macro does is with one button press; buffs your target with salvation, so they take less threat for 6 seconds, with the glyph they also take less dmg for the same amount of time.
Second time you click the macro you will taught your players target, ie the boss or mob they are been attacked by.
This would be quite good with Festergut, when he does 7 stacks of the debuff buff the tank with this item, then clicking your macro a few seconds later, or if you didnt time it properly mash the key twice and you taunt the boss while your OT has reduced damage taken.
/cast Divine Sacrifice
/in 0.5 /script CancelUnitBuff(“player”,”Divine Sacrifice”)
/cast Sacred Shield
/castsequence Divine Sacrifice, Sacred Shield
/in 0.5 /script CancelUnitBuff(“player”,”Divine Sacrifice”)
What this buff does IF YOU HAVE DIVINE GUARDIAN is buffs you with divine guaridan makign you take 30% of the dmg affecting people within blah blah anyway then takes it off you 0.5 later, making you not take dmg but making you take less dmg and making your sacred sheild better, not to mention takign 20% less dmg. this is because you get 2 buffs from this button when you talent for it.